Monday, December 26, 2011

In Memory of Dawn Brancheau

In Memory of Dawn Brancheau Tube. Duration : 3.62 Mins.

A veteran animal trainer whose dream was to work with orcas at SeaWorld was killed Wednesday, February 24, 2010 when Tilikum dragged her underwater and she died from drowning and severe wounds. SeaWorld said that Tilikum pulled Dawn Brancheau, 40, into his tank at about 2pm. Witnesses told the Orlando Sentinel that the animal suddenly grabbed Brancheau during a bonding session. (The attack was NOT during a show and less than 30 people witnessed the attack.) Witnesses who watched the attack after a "Dine with Shamu" presentation - a poolside buffet where trainers demonstrate their connection with the animals - told the Sentinel a female trainer was petting an orca when it grabbed her. Within minutes, an alarm sounded, and security workers escorted the spectators out. The incident did not happen during a Dine with Shamu, but AFTER. By then, all of the Dine with Shamu participants were watching Tilikum in the underwater viewing windows. Brancheau had worked at the park since February 1994. Ever since she visited SeaWorld with her family about 30 years ago, Brancheau's goal had been to train Shamu. "Everyone knew that was her dream," her mother said. Brancheau's supervisor, Chuck Tompkins, said Brancheau knew the risks of the job. "She loved what she did, and she loved being with the animal. And she understood the risk," said Tompkins, corporate curator in charge of animal behavior for SeaWorld. "Dawn knew how to be able to connect with animals and with people." Tilikum has ...

Keywords: seaworld, Brancheau, Sea, World, Shamu, Killer, Whale, Orcinus, Orca, Orcas, Whales, Ceteaceans, Cetacea, Dolphin, Dolphins, Close, Up, Underwater, Viewing, Attack, Dawn, Death, Marine, Park, Aquarium, Seaquarium, Tilly, Tily, Sealand, of, the, Pacific, 1984, 1992, Tillikum, Tilikum, Ringneck, Dove, Fan

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